Java8 Lambda Setup

Follow the simple Steps to setup JDK 8 in your System


Firstly you want to find windows if its bit is 32 or 64 which can be checked by System type properties.


Go to Java SE download site and select Java Platform (JDK) 8u60, which is latest Java SE release.

Choose Windows X86 installer (marked as blue) if you are running 32-bit Windows or choose Windows x64 Java installer (marked in green), if you are running with 64-bit Windows Operating system.


Once you download correct JDK installer, rest of installation is like installing any other Windows based application.
Just follow Instruction given by Java SE Installation Wizard.
Click next button (marked as green).

Click next button (marked as green).

If you want to change installing location click on change button (marked as blue) or Click next button (marked as green).

Installation is completed. If you want to install its tutorials notes Click Next Steps button (marked as blue) or Click close button (marked as green).


Once JDK Installation is complete, you can see JDK directory in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_45\. This is default JDK installation directory and Installation wizard install Java here, if you haven't changed it during installation.
In order to compile Java code from any directory in your Windows machine, you need to include C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_45\bin directory in PATH environment variable. This is called setting PATH for Java.